Juan (1) [estaba] (estar) estudiando cuando Marta (2) [entró] (entrar) en su cuarto. Le (3) [preguntó] (preguntar) a Juan si (4) [quería] (querer) ir al cine. Juan le (5) [dijo] (decir) que sí, porque (6) [se sentía] (sentirse) un poco aburrido con los estudios. Los dos (7) [salieron] (salir) enseguida para el cine. (8) [Vieron] (ver) una película cómica y (9) [se rieron] (reírse) mucho. Luego, como (10) [hacía] (hacer) frío, (11) [entraron] (entrar) en su café favorito, La Cocina Mexicana, para el plato del día. (12) [Eran] (ser) las dos de la mañana cuando por fin (13) [regresaron] (regresar) a casa. Marta (14) [se acostó] (acostarse) inmediatamente porque (15) [estaba] (estar) muy cansada, pero Juan (16) [decidió] (decidir) estudiar una hora más. 1. Imp: The past progressive calls for imperfect tense most of the time. 2. Pret: She entered in once, and she interrupted Juan's studying. 3. Pret: She asked once. 4. Imp: "... if he wanted..." (See the second part of 8.2 for the meaning of "querer" in the preterite.) 5. Pret: He said yes once. 6. Imp: emotional state or condition, talking about how he felt 7. Pret: (applies to 7 through 9) This is a series of events or actions which move the story along. These tend to be in the preterite. "They did this, then this, and then this." 8. Pret: (see #7) 9. Pret: (see #7) 10. Imp: weather or background description 11. Pret: entered in once. 12. Imp: Says what time it was in the past. This is automatically a background description. 13. Pret: They returned once. 14. Pret: The key word is "inmediatamente." She goes to bed once. 15. Imp: physical condition 16. Pret: He decided once.