1. Un día de primavera, Antonio y Alicia [viajaron] (viajar) por el campo. 2. [Hacía] (hacer) mucho sol. 3. El cielo [estaba] (estar) azul. 4. Todo se [veía] (ver) muy bonito. 5. De repente, ellos [oyeron] (oír) una explosión. 6. El auto [empezó] (empezar) a temblar. 7. Antonio lo [paró] (parar), y ellos [se bajaron] (bajarse). 8. [Querían] (querer) saber qué pasó. 9. Inmediatamente, ellos [vieron] (ver) que se había pinchado una llanta. 1. Pret: The key phrase is "one day." They traveled once. 2. Imp: The weather is often a background description. 3. Imp: background description/weather 4. Imp: background description. Background descriptions also create the setting for the story. 5. Pret: They heard the explosion once. It was not a regular occurrence. Hearing an explosion which uses imperfect might only apply to someone who lives/lived in a war-zone or by a mine. 6. Pret: This focuses on the beginning, and it occurred once. 7. Pret: occurs once; Pret: occurs once 8. Imp: "They wanted to." By contrast, "querer" in preterite means "to try." (See the second part of 8.2 on the course website.) 9. Pret: "Inmediatamente" is a strong indicator that the preterite should be used. The action occurs once.