1. [Eran] (ser) las doce. 2. [Había] (haber) mucha gente en la calle. 3. Tomás y yo [entramos] (entrar) en el restaurante Tárcoles. 4. Todos los días yo [almorzaba] (almorzar) con Tomás al mediodía. 5. El camarero [llegó] (llegar) inmediatamente para darnos el menú. 6. Nosotros [empezamos] (empezar) a leerlo. 7. Yo [pedí] (pedir) el pescado. 8. De repente, el camarero [volvió] (volver) a nuestra mesa. 9. Y nos [dio] (dar) una mala noticia. 10. Desafortunadamente, no ellos [tenían] (tener) más pescado. 11. Por eso Tomás y yo [decidimos] (decidir) comer en otro lugar. 12. [Llovía] (llover) cuando [salimos] (salir) del restaurante. 13. Así que [regresamos] (regresar) adentro. 14. Esta vez, [pedí] (pedir) el arroz con pollo. 1. Imp: This tells what time it was in the past. The time it was when something happened is automatically a background event or description. 2. Imp: There being many people in the street is a background description with no clear beginning and end. 3. Pret: They only entered into the restaurant once. 4. Imp: They would regularly eat lunch together. 5. Pret: The waiter arrived to the table once. 6. Pret: This focuses on the beginning of the event. It only happened once. 7. Pret: He or she only orders the fish once. 8. Pret: The waitor only returns to the table once. 9. Pret: The waitor only gives bad news once. 10. Imp: This is a background event. We do not know for how long the fish has been out of stock or for how long this will continue to be the case. There is no clearly defined beginning and end. 11. Pret: They decided once. 12. Imp: The weather is usually a background description; Pret: They left the restaurant once. 13. Pret: They returned once. 14. Pret: He or she ordered the chicken and rice once.